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News on data sets

ZABAGED® - aktualizace
Začátkem října 2024 byly zpřístupněny uživatelům zaktualizované sady těchto typů objektů ZABAGED®: definiční body adresních míst, čerpací stanice pohonných hmot, úřad, pošta, elektrárna, větrný motor, přístaviště, přístav, přívoz, plavební komora, bunkr, lanová dráha, lyžařský vlek, cesty a jejich povrch. Průběžně byly během celého období aktualizovány definiční čáry ulic podle návrhu obcí současně s definičními body náměstí.
Nové letecké měřické snímky ČR
V aplikaci Archiv si již můžete prohlédnout letecké měřické snímky z nejnovějšího snímkování východní části území ČR v roce 2024.

News archives

Real estate cadastre - introduction

Real estate cadastre (REC) is a collection of data on real estate in the Czech Republic including its register, description and its geometric and spatial determination. It includes registry of ownership and other material rights and other rights to real estate provided by law.

The REC is an information source which serves the protection of rights to real estate, tax and fiscal purposes, protection of the environment, agricultural land fund and forest land resources, mineral wealth, cultural heritage, area development, assessment of real estate value, scientific, economic and statistical purposes and for establishment of other information systems.

It is maintained as an information system on the territory of the Czech Republic,predominantly by computer means, where the basic territorial unit is the cadastre unit and, among others, its documentation consists of:

  • File of geodetic information, which contains the cadastral map (including its numeric representation in determined cadastral units)
  • File of descriptive, which contains data on cadastral units, parcels, buildings, residential and non-residential units, owners and other entitled individuals, legal relationships and rights and facts determined by law.

Access to data of the cadastre of real estate is provided by the following services:

  • Previewing the REC,service free of charge, available to the public, enabling access to selected data on ownership of parcels, buildings and units (residential or non-residential), registered in the cadastre of real estate and information on the state of proceedings initiated at the cadastre office for the purpose of registration of ownership, or other rights to real estate in the Czech Republic, or for the purpose of certification of survey sketches.
  • Remote access, which is designated for registered users as a paid service enabling on-line access to cadastre data to registered users. More …
  • Web services of remote access, which expand remote access and enable connection of information systems of individual users with the program interface which accesses data of the REC. More …
  • Web map services for cadastral maps (WMS REC) enable free of charge access to map data of the cadastre of real estate by means of the WMS (Web Map Services) according to the Open Geospatial Consortium standard. Functions GetCapabilities and GetMap of version 1.1.0 standard are supported. More …
  • View service for INSPIRE topic Cadastral Parcels is provided according to the Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) and according to following regulations (Act No. 123/1998 Sb., on the Rights to Environmental Information, in actual version).More …

Last update: 31.03.2022
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