Geoportal ČÚZK
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News on data sets

Aktualizace nové datové sady INSPIRE pro téma Ortofotosnímky (OI)
Datová sada pro INSPIRE téma Ortofotosnímky (OI), harmonizovaná dle prováděcích pravidel INSPIRE, tj. poskytovaná v souřadnicovém systému ETRS89-TM33N a rozdělena na výdejní jednotky podle kladu určeného souřadnicovou sítí ETRS89-GRS80, byla aktualizována. Zdrojem pro aktualizaci jsou data produktu Ortofoto ČR, zpracovaná z leteckých snímků západní poloviny území pořízených v roce 2023.
Aktualizace Data250
Produkt Data250 (digitální geografický model území ČR, odpovídající přesností a stupněm generalizace měřítku
1 : 250 000 byl aktualizován, včetně mapových služeb ArcGIS REST a WMS.
Aktualizace Data50
Byla provedena pravidelná roční aktualizace datové sady Data50 (digitální geografický model území České republiky odvozený z kartografické databáze pro Základní mapu ČR 1 : 50 000), která je poskytována bezplatně jako otevřená data.
Aktualizovaná data ortofota ČR
V rozsahu 1/2 ČR - západní poloviny území - byl aktualizován produkt Ortofoto ČR.
Data byla zpracována z leteckého snímkování v roce 2023. Přesné datum pořízení snímků pro jednotlivé mapové listy a přesný rozsah aktualizovaného území viz Stav aktualizace.

News archives

Application to provide data

Data download application

The application offers the following options for downloading file data via the links listed in the product metadata ("Product Information" table, "Distribution" and "Data Download" sections), or directly in the Geoviewer ("Layer List" tab, "Options" menu):
  • download data, i.e. pre-prepared files provided by ATOM services. The data is divided into suitable dispensing units and stored in at least one of the open formats. The number of dispensing units to download is determined by the extent of the map window. The Maximum number of 100 searched units is determined by the limitation of the OpenSearch service, which provides searches over datasets.
  • export data to various formats in the form of seamless sections determined by the extent of the map window, boundaries of administrative units, parcels or using a custom vector polygon. Space limitations for data export are listed for each product in this overview.
Furthermore, the Geoviewer allows downloading vector objects from connected ArcGIS REST map services. After marking the object in the map, it is offered to download it in GeoJSON format.

Atom download services
The application provides an overview of all open data of the ČÚZK resort. Allows selection and download of pre-made files provided by ATOM services. The number of dispensing units to download is determined by the extent of the map window. The Maximum number of 100 searched units is determined by the limitation of the OpenSearch service, which provides searches over datasets.

Application for submitting a request for the provision of another form of open data.

The Eshop application provide on the basis of a registered user's request, in addition to paid aerial surveying images, archives and printed products, also data from ZABAGED®, the orthophoto of the Czech Republic, the state map work and the database file of geographical nomenclature, which are classified as open data.

The user the option to order this data in other forms:
  • choose a data file format different from the format in which the data is registered in the national open data catalog, i.e. different from the formats of ready-made files provided by ATOM services or from the data formats provided by WFS and WCS services.
  • choose a place to download data using remote access and transfer it to a technical data carrier.Payment for data conversion to another data format or transformation to another coordinate system is paid according to the hourly rate specified in point 11 of the Annex to Decree No. 31/1995 Coll., which implements Act No. 200/1994 Coll., on surveying and on the amendment and addition of some laws related to its introduction as amended..
In the application, a selection of the usual formats has been retained for conversion purposes, as well as the provision of the original dispensing units.

Notes: We recommend submitting a request for the transfer of data on a data carrier via the eshop application in order to obtain one-time large volumes of data if necessary. In particular, this concerns data from an orthophoto of the Czech Republic, an altimetry or a state map from a large area (e.g. the entire region).

Directly downloading open data from the data store using the above applications and services may not be effective in this case, due to the load on the transmission lines, and is not primarily intended for these cases. In case of a long data download, please contact the business department of the Land Survey Office by e-mail at, where our specialists will advise you on how to solve the problem.

Last update: 28.11.2023
Last revision:
Autor: 95